Saturday, October 26, 2013

Caption Contest Winners

I apologize for not posting this last night, but we were waiting to see if any would vote. Since there have been no votes cast for the best caption we have decided to pick our favorite. We have it narrowed down to two participants. They would be Missy Walker and Jordan Novak.

Instead of trying to choose the best one between those two, we are going to give both of them an autographed picture from an NXT Superstar. Congratulations guys, thanks for participating and we hope you keep reading.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Caption Contest Final Day

Thanks to all who participated this week in the very first VeeWMedia caption contest. The final caption belongs to Jordan Novak who wrote: Emma: Betcha wish you'd have done my dance now, huh?

Now it's time to look back through the captions that have been posted here and vote for which one you think is the best of them all. That person will win an autographed picture from an NXT Superstar. There will be a couple pictures I will be choosing from and will let the winner decide which one they want.

Again thanks for participating and I am looking forward to doing this again. GO VOTE!!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Caption Contest Day 3

Only one day left for the caption contest and we would like to see this be the best day of the contest. Make sure you leave your caption in the comments section under the photo on Facebook. The best caption for Wednesday's photo goes to EJ Moreno who wrote:


As always, thanks to those of you who participated, looking forward to seeing what you all come up with for todays photo. Final voting is tomorrow so don't forget to check back in and cast your vote.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Caption Contest Day 2

Thanks to those who participated and captioned the photo for day 2. Here are the two best comments from Tuesday:

Missy Hernandez Walker: Please.... don't you know I am the submission specialist.

Fernando Felix: "well this should be easy"

The photo for today is up on Facebook. Go check it out and leave your caption in the comments. Don't forget to check back tomorrow for the best captions of todays photo. Final voting is Friday where YOU pick the winner.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Caption Contest Day One

Ok guys, first thanks to those of you who participated in the first day of the contest. There weren't that many that actually captioned the photo so I am going to include all of them to be voted on. Remember final voting is Friday and the winner will receive an autographed picture from one of the NXT Superstars.

Missy Hernandez Walker: it's a bird, it's a plane, no its...

Jordan Novak: Mason Ryan: WHOA! Cowboys don't fly in Wales

Jeff Walker: I hope your plan is to CATCH me.

Wil Spillane: Fulton: This bee what leave me alone! *swats the air*

There were other comments, but not captions. These are your four captions from Monday. Make sure to check back tomorrow for Tuesday's captions, and don't forget to leave your own.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Photo Caption Contest

Contest rules are simple, once a day at 10am, I will post a picture on Facebook. You come up with your best caption for the photo and leave it in the comments section under the photo. Some of the photos will be fun in nature and others will be a little more serious. At the end of the day I will pick the best caption and post it on my blog the following morning. So for todays captions, I will pick the best one and post it on Tuesday morning.

On Friday, you the fans, will get to vote on which of the four captions YOU think is the best. The person who wrote the best caption as voted on by you, will win an autographed picture from one of the NXT Superstars.

Let's make this a successful first contest. Share the Facebook posts on your pages and make sure to retweet as well. This will be a lot more fun with more of you participating.

Ready, 1 2 3, GO!!!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Going Viral

When producing, or gathering different forms of content for social media, one can never know when a certain image or video is going to catch on and go viral. Working directly with our social media team, myself and the other social media producers, try and get content that will enhance the story while also engaging the audience.

The picture to the left was taken at the start of a meet and greet at a live event in Winter Haven. Immediately after taking the picture we knew we had to use it for some type of fan engagement on social media. Our teams social media manager came up with the idea to use it on Facebook as a "caption this" campaign.

It did not take very long after the photo was posted for it to take off and be seen everywhere on the internet.

The photo was shared and liked on Facebook, tweeted out on twitter, made into a gif on Tumblr, and some fans even made it their profile picture. At the time of taking the picture none of us knew how much it would be liked and used on social media, but it sure does feel good when it happens.