Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Caption Contest Day One

Ok guys, first thanks to those of you who participated in the first day of the contest. There weren't that many that actually captioned the photo so I am going to include all of them to be voted on. Remember final voting is Friday and the winner will receive an autographed picture from one of the NXT Superstars.

Missy Hernandez Walker: it's a bird, it's a plane, no its...

Jordan Novak: Mason Ryan: WHOA! Cowboys don't fly in Wales

Jeff Walker: I hope your plan is to CATCH me.

Wil Spillane: Fulton: This bee what leave me alone! *swats the air*

There were other comments, but not captions. These are your four captions from Monday. Make sure to check back tomorrow for Tuesday's captions, and don't forget to leave your own.

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