Sunday, October 6, 2013

Going Viral

When producing, or gathering different forms of content for social media, one can never know when a certain image or video is going to catch on and go viral. Working directly with our social media team, myself and the other social media producers, try and get content that will enhance the story while also engaging the audience.

The picture to the left was taken at the start of a meet and greet at a live event in Winter Haven. Immediately after taking the picture we knew we had to use it for some type of fan engagement on social media. Our teams social media manager came up with the idea to use it on Facebook as a "caption this" campaign.

It did not take very long after the photo was posted for it to take off and be seen everywhere on the internet.

The photo was shared and liked on Facebook, tweeted out on twitter, made into a gif on Tumblr, and some fans even made it their profile picture. At the time of taking the picture none of us knew how much it would be liked and used on social media, but it sure does feel good when it happens.

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